Thursday, January 20, 2011

On Being an American Journalist

This is a response to On Being an American Journalist, an essay by Steve Bell.

The army and police force of any country is always in danger. They are risking their lives to protect their country. This is a very honorable job in my belief. Though, I also believe that journalists who go out in the battle field to garner information of what is going on during battles are also in danger. They also have a very meaningful and honorable job. Though, I don't agree on some ideas regarding journalism.

Journalists provided people who are worried and concerned about wars with news on what is happening in other countries. As I read this essay, I was enlightened. I did not know that journalists had to go out in battle to retrieve all their stories. Prior to this reading, I thought journalists got their information and stories by just asking around from soldiers and then twist the truth.

Loren Jenkins was asked if journalists should report the presence of an army's location. Jenkins answered that she would report all the truth if she finds it and that she does not represent the government, but instead represent history. I find this a very hard thing to do. This seems like a job of a spy and this could cost the war for either side. By the end of this essay, I still think journalism is meaningful.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

Martin Luther King Junior is a very important man responsible for bring justice to the world. He was crucial in the abolition of segregation. Even though he is deceased now, his ideas and legacy lives.

Where ever you go, well, almost where ever you go, you see colored people along with people of other races. Before segregation was uplifted by the help of King, you would rarely see a colored person in a restaurant, in your school, or in an amusement park with you. Though, by the works of King, today, you see colored people in those places where you wouldn't see them 60 years ago.

His ideas are still present today. For example, in school, children still learn about him. King's famous speech "I Have A Dream" is not known word by word but it is still an inspiring and moving speech today. If you ask anyone if they knew who Martin Luther King Junior was, they would most-likely associate him his honored speech.

Martin Luther King is a respected man in his time and still is, up to the present. He is respected by his contribution to our society. His respect is so great that out of the 365 days of our year, we take a day off to commemorate him.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Response to Children of the Sea

Children of the Sea by Edwidge Danticat is what I am writing about today. It is a very interesting story written in a unique style (to me). This is a compilation of excerpts between a boy and a girl in their teens or so.

In the letters, the reader finds out about the terrible condition is Haiti. There was a shift in political power. The new leaders of the government do not want to have anyone in opposition so they sent out the army. The army goes out around and kills people. They force the parents to commit incest with their children and those who do not obey are killed. Many people moved away because they were afraid.

Some people were hunted down because they were seen as a threat to the regime. To save themselves, they went away in boats. One of them is the boy. He had to leave Haiti because he was on a radio station ranting about the government and talking about reforms. He is on a boat going to a non-specified place because if he doesn't, he will be killed. One of the people who opposed the government was "run over by a car" and all that was left of him was his head, which was delivered to his mother along with the news of his "accident".

I have yet to finish this story because of the limitation of time. I will finish this hopefully in the weekend. This is a very interesting story and I would recommend it to anyone who has a heart.