Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

Martin Luther King Junior is a very important man responsible for bring justice to the world. He was crucial in the abolition of segregation. Even though he is deceased now, his ideas and legacy lives.

Where ever you go, well, almost where ever you go, you see colored people along with people of other races. Before segregation was uplifted by the help of King, you would rarely see a colored person in a restaurant, in your school, or in an amusement park with you. Though, by the works of King, today, you see colored people in those places where you wouldn't see them 60 years ago.

His ideas are still present today. For example, in school, children still learn about him. King's famous speech "I Have A Dream" is not known word by word but it is still an inspiring and moving speech today. If you ask anyone if they knew who Martin Luther King Junior was, they would most-likely associate him his honored speech.

Martin Luther King is a respected man in his time and still is, up to the present. He is respected by his contribution to our society. His respect is so great that out of the 365 days of our year, we take a day off to commemorate him.


  1. So are there still traces of MLK's battle for civil equality in the year 2011? We do commemorate him because of respect. On that day-off, do we really take into consideration about what is he trying to turn the world into?

  2. On MLK day I don't think most of the people actually celebrate it because of what he did, some probably just consider it a day off not thinking much about MLK.
