Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them, Everyone for Themself

In this world, anger is an issue that has to be dealt by with thought and time. Anger can blind a person so that he or she may not see the truth behind lies. Some people don't think before they act and if they do, their fists do the thinking. Before they even know it, arguments turn into funerals.

How open someone is to ideas and judgment also plays a part in why people murder. One may not like a idea proposed by another. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by James Earl Ray for giving speeches that were helping African Americans to get the same rights as anyone else.

Survival of the fittest drives people to unseen and absurd behaviors. Fear of death can cause someone to react differently from how they usually act. If a lifeboat can only take ten people out of a drowning ship, everyone would fight for a spot on the lifeboat so that they can see their love ones.

Death will come for everyone eventually. Being scared of death is a silly thing to do. Who has a longer life? Someone lives to 50 and has lived without regrets or one that lives to 100 being scared to do anything at all? Death just means you will be taken from this world, but are you really dead when you die? You live on after dying as long as someone still remembers you. Death can come to someone at any moment and without anyone knowing. The important thing is what you leave behind. When you die, what legacy do you leave behind? Who will remember you?


  1. I agree that anger can blind a person but sometimes that person becomes blinded their whole life and thought and time cannot heal them. Like how some people can be caught up in something their whole life and can never get out of it.

  2. Good points; I especially like your last paragraph. I agree with you. It's understandable for people to be scared of dying, but if it becomes to extreme people can contradict themselves and prevent themselves from ever living. Life is short, so experience it while you can.
