Sunday, May 15, 2011

Analysis for Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

In Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Tell Tale Heart", the narrator of the story kills an old man because of the man's "evil eye." After that, the narrator chops up the corpse into parts and hid it under three wooden planks. The narrator is visited by several police officers and the narrator confesses that he killed the man after taking the police officers into the chamber of the old man. This story is completely in the view of the narrator. I believe that this narrator is either insane or dreaming.

Let us say that the narrator is insane. the narrator is very watchful that during the week before he murders the old man, he stays up every night to kill the man but he withdraws every night. It is said that he finally kills him on the eighth night. The narrator is insane already, and he is then deprived of sleep for a whole week; enough to make anyone go "insane." After the murder, he claims to have heard the old man's heart beating under the floor boards. If a person is dead, their heart will not beat. The narrator must be insane but there is another possibility. It might be possible that nothing even happened on the eighth night and he probably dreamed of killing the old man instead of actually proceeding to the old man's chamber for the execution.

After not sleeping for seven nights, the narrator is probably extremely tired and fatigue. I highly doubt he would still have the strength to last another nothing and yet kill the old man by lifting up a heavy mattress and suffocating the old man. Though, it would be possible if he were dreaming of the murder.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Draft for Short Story

“Mark… Mark….Mark… Hey! Wake up! You’re sca…”

1 hour ago…

Coming out of his bedroom, Mark rushed to the bathroom and does his daily routine. After a few minutes, he emerged from the steaming room dressed in a pair of Nike shorts and a t-shirt. On the way going down the stairs, Mark realized he had forgotten his knee pads and rushed to his room and retrieved them under his bed. Mark runs pasts his mother after walking down the stairs making his way toward the front door. Mark’s mother calls for him, “Hey! Mister! Come back here. Where do you think you’re going. You haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.”

“Can’t talk now. I’m gonna be late. I’ll tell you about it later. Love you,” replies Mark as he runs out of the front door, leaving it open. Today was the day that Mark’s best friend Ryan is going to teach him to ride a bike.

Under the burning hot sun, Mark ran in the direction of Ryan’s house. He bumped into Mary on the way and she stopped him. “Hey! Where are you going? What are you doing today?” Mark stopped for a brief second to catch his breath. “Got any plans for this summer? It’s been two weeks and I haven’t done anything yet.”

“I’m busy right now. I’m going to Ryan’s. He’s gonna teach me to ride a bike.”

“Cool! I’m coming too.”

“Fine… whatever. Don’t get in the way like you always do though.”

The two of them arrived at Ryan’s house just as he is pulling a bright blue bike out of the garage. He greets them and Ryan’s dad comes out of the garage. “Hey guys, how’s it going?” greeted Ryan’s father. Mark and Mary both say hi. “It looks shiny and all but this is pretty old,” Ryan’s father informed as he pointed to the bike. “I had it since I was a kid. I’ll be busy around the house today. If you three need any help, go find me in the front of the house.” After his words, Ryan’s dad leaves and Ryan starts teaching Mark to ride the bike in the alley. There were a few wooden posts here and there with wires suspended from the tops of each. There were a few garbage cans here and there.

“Okay, let’s get on with this,” said Ryan. “It’s hot out here. The faster you learn, the faster we can get back inside.” Under the sun, the temperature soared as Mark attempted to learn to ride the bike.

After half an hour of falling and wobbling and crashing into garbage cans, Mary grew impatient and said, “Geez. Hurry up already. It’s so hot out here. I’ll hold the back and you hold the front,” Mary addresses Ryan. They grabbed the bike while Mark is on and starts moving it forward.

“Hold on! Slow down!” screamed Mark. Mark wobbled left and right and Ryan backed away from the bike. Mary continued to push the bike blindly. “Hey! Stop!” Mark loses balance and falls off the bike, crashing his head into the post. Mark falls down and stays down for a couple of seconds.

Mary and Ryan both ran toward him and starts shaking him and calling his name.They find him unconscious. “Oh crap!” exclaimed Ryan. He runs to the front of the house to get his father.

Mary continues to shake Mark but he doesn’t wake up. “Mark… Mark….Mark… Hey! Wake up! You’re scaring me.”

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Analysis on Little Boxes

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one                 5
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And the people in the houses 
All went to the university,                                 10
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky             15
And they all look just the same.

And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school,                         20
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university,
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business                          25
And marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,                   30
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

This is "Little Boxes" written by Malvina Reynolds in 1962. She talks about the conformity of life in her time. Everyone who goes to college and "university" will become successful like everyone else. They all become "the same" such that they will all live in houses that look different in the outside, but will have television sets and washing machines. Back in the 1960s, a lot of families owned electronic appliances.

It is commonly said that only rich people play golf. Also, she mentions the professions doctors, lawyers, and business executives; all very successful people. Therefore, Malvina is probably trying to say that all all the people who come out of college are successful and they raise families. In line 19, Malvina said that they all have pretty children; they as in the business executives and the successful people. 

As the song finishes up, Malvina said that the boys go into business and marry and raise a family, notice that she said boys. She may be saying that only boys were successful. Maybe that was her view of society. In the end, she emphasizes that "they all look just the same."  She has said this line many times. She might be saying that all the successful people will live similar lives and their children will follow in their footsteps.

Friday, April 1, 2011

On the Reservation

Reservations in the United States were set up for Native Americans a long while back. In the early days of the United States, much of the land to the west of the thirteen colonies was thought to be uninhabited. Though, as people moved to the West, they met tribes of Native American  and began to take over the Native American's land. The Native Americans were friendly at first but soon became hostile.

War between the Native Americans and Americans broke out and Native Americans lost. The war ended with Native Americans put on reservations and Americans took all their land. Native Americans were moved from reservation to reservation because of greed. Americans would occasionally find oil reserves or gold on the reservations and demand the Natives to be removed so that they can retrieve the minerals. Native Americans fought back but they lost anyways and are relocated in the end. After being relocated so many times, Native Americans soon ended up all over the United States.

Native Americans still live on reservations today, but there are some that moved into American cities. Native Americans on reservations still do what they used to do. They pass down their traditions to their children and this preserves their culture and traditions. Native Americans live on lands that are not even a quarter of what they used to own. What would life be like for them if European settlers never came to America?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Propaganda 2011

The world is full of lies. Germany use propaganda during World War II to tell its citizens that Germany is winning all along and that the Jews were evil people or whatnot. Let's not talk about politics this time.

What is propaganda? states that propaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. Where do most people today get information about things? I would guess probably through the commercials on television or from ads on a website. Companies try to get people to buy their products or use their services and would make themselves benevolent and their products as the best. For some of these ads or commercials, it may be true. Though, most of the time, they are all lies or not the complete truth. 

Fast food restaurants make their food seem like they are delicious, which they are (most of the time..), but they do not tell people that they use products with high fructose corn syrup, trans fat, or other harmful things. Bud lite or any alcohol commercials always depict people enjoying their beer but never do they show the aftermath of drinking. 

Anyways, this world is full of lies and incomplete truths. Be careful of what you see because it might be gilded.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Free Response to Black Boy

Black Boy by Richard Wright is an autobiography. Richard talks about his early life and the days after that. I find this quite an interesting story. It is adventurous in its own little way. I can say that Richard was a very mischievous boy. Though, this could be because his dreaded father left him when he was at a young age.

Richard introduces the reader to him burning down his house and getting punished for it. A little later into the book, he tells everyone he became a drunkard at the age of six. Richard also informs him about his many beatings, punishment, and never ceasing hunger.

He was once sent to buy groceries and was turned back because of a gang boys. They were beating Richard up and taking his money. Richard reported this to his mother and his mother did not nurse him, but instead gave him a stick to fight the boys and threatened to beat him if he did not return with groceries. His mother played the role of a catalyst for maturing and becoming a man. Even though she becomes sick, the sickness only speeds up the need for making a man out of Richard.

At one point, because Richard's mother is too sick to work, he takes up a job to support the family. When he finds out his mother had a stroke and is paralyzed, he informs his relatives and they took him and his brother to stay with them, though separately. I have not yet finished this book even though it is very interesting because of the limited time I have. This is a very interesting book, again, and I would recommend it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hungry for Attention

This week's question is about Richard Wright, the author of Black Boy. Is Richard "hungry" for attention when he was young? Is he alone in his cravings?

I would say that Richard is hungry for attention, but he is not alone in his cravings. Richard said that he "accidentally" burned the curtains and that he only wanted to see what it would look like on fire. Though, he only did this because he felt that he did not receive attention since his grandmother was sick. Another thing is that Richard stands and waits outside of the saloon waiting to be invited in by a customer. During his stays inside the saloons, he is asked to drink and recite vulgar words to others for a penny or so. I would consider these actions as examples of being hungry for attention. Richard seemed to have gotten off his addiction for alcohol easily, meaning it was not actually alcohol that drove him to the saloons, but rather for the attention he gets from the men and women.

Richard's mother is also hungry for attention in a way. She brings Richard and his brother to her work place and asks them to go to court to testify against their father. This is also evident when she asks Richard to go ask his father to give him a few dollars so he is fed and taken to Arkansas.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

On Being an American Journalist

This is a response to On Being an American Journalist, an essay by Steve Bell.

The army and police force of any country is always in danger. They are risking their lives to protect their country. This is a very honorable job in my belief. Though, I also believe that journalists who go out in the battle field to garner information of what is going on during battles are also in danger. They also have a very meaningful and honorable job. Though, I don't agree on some ideas regarding journalism.

Journalists provided people who are worried and concerned about wars with news on what is happening in other countries. As I read this essay, I was enlightened. I did not know that journalists had to go out in battle to retrieve all their stories. Prior to this reading, I thought journalists got their information and stories by just asking around from soldiers and then twist the truth.

Loren Jenkins was asked if journalists should report the presence of an army's location. Jenkins answered that she would report all the truth if she finds it and that she does not represent the government, but instead represent history. I find this a very hard thing to do. This seems like a job of a spy and this could cost the war for either side. By the end of this essay, I still think journalism is meaningful.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

Martin Luther King Junior is a very important man responsible for bring justice to the world. He was crucial in the abolition of segregation. Even though he is deceased now, his ideas and legacy lives.

Where ever you go, well, almost where ever you go, you see colored people along with people of other races. Before segregation was uplifted by the help of King, you would rarely see a colored person in a restaurant, in your school, or in an amusement park with you. Though, by the works of King, today, you see colored people in those places where you wouldn't see them 60 years ago.

His ideas are still present today. For example, in school, children still learn about him. King's famous speech "I Have A Dream" is not known word by word but it is still an inspiring and moving speech today. If you ask anyone if they knew who Martin Luther King Junior was, they would most-likely associate him his honored speech.

Martin Luther King is a respected man in his time and still is, up to the present. He is respected by his contribution to our society. His respect is so great that out of the 365 days of our year, we take a day off to commemorate him.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Response to Children of the Sea

Children of the Sea by Edwidge Danticat is what I am writing about today. It is a very interesting story written in a unique style (to me). This is a compilation of excerpts between a boy and a girl in their teens or so.

In the letters, the reader finds out about the terrible condition is Haiti. There was a shift in political power. The new leaders of the government do not want to have anyone in opposition so they sent out the army. The army goes out around and kills people. They force the parents to commit incest with their children and those who do not obey are killed. Many people moved away because they were afraid.

Some people were hunted down because they were seen as a threat to the regime. To save themselves, they went away in boats. One of them is the boy. He had to leave Haiti because he was on a radio station ranting about the government and talking about reforms. He is on a boat going to a non-specified place because if he doesn't, he will be killed. One of the people who opposed the government was "run over by a car" and all that was left of him was his head, which was delivered to his mother along with the news of his "accident".

I have yet to finish this story because of the limitation of time. I will finish this hopefully in the weekend. This is a very interesting story and I would recommend it to anyone who has a heart.