Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review - Sungha Jung

Sungha Jung is a resident of South Korea. He is currently 14 years old and is an acoustic finger-style guitarist. Sungha Jung started to learn to play the guitar when he was 9 years old. He joined in 2006 and has posted over 300 videos of himself playing the guitar ever since. He has done covers for songs by Jason Mraz, Michael Jackson, Yiruma, and many more artists. Sungha Jung has also composed many of his own pieces.

As said before, Sungha Jung is a acoustic finger-style guitarist and is only 14 years old. He has his own CD called "Perfect Blue". If you are interested in music without lyrics or you like the sound of guitars, you may like his compositions. I find them very calming and somewhat inspiring. It sounds like something that can make you happy from a bad day. Then again, it is my opinion. You have to hear it to decide on what it is to you.

You can hear his music at from his channel on

His official site is: 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nick and Jay

Nick and Jay are both very important characters in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Nick and Jay met at a party hosted by Jay. They had a conversation at one point and talked about their fighting in the army. After their conversation, Nick finds out that the man he was talking to was actually Jay Gatsby. When they met, Nick had no idea he was talking to his host but Jay knew.

In The Great Gatsby, Nick narrates from his prospective. Readers do not know much about him, though, readers do know a lot about how Nick looks at other people in the book. Nick heard an abundance of rumors about Jay such as him killing a man and that he was a spy, but when Nick got to know Jay more, he finds out that he is actually a nice person, in a way.

Jay is a mysterious person though. In some points of the story, he would disappear suddenly. During the lavish alcohol filled parties he throws, he stands by the side or alone and watches everyone around him have fun and become wasted. Jay seems to always have things go in the way of his will no matter what difficulties come between him and his destination.

Nick does not judge people according to himself. He said that his father told him that before he criticizes anyone, he must remember that all the people in this world did not receive the same opportunities has he had. Nick seems to be a friendly and person that is easy to get along with.

During a point in this book, Jay is very nice to Nick because he wants to get him to go along with a plan he had in mind. He wanted to see his cousin, Daisy. Jay and Daisy were once lovers but Daisy married someone else. Jay still has feelings for Daisy and he has waited for around five years so that he could see her. Here comes Nick, a person who can have access to Daisy. Now, here is the question for this blog. Do you think Jay only became friends with Nick so that he may see Daisy again or was it just a coincidence and that Jay had no prior knowledge of Nick's relationship with Daisy?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winter Poem

The season of extended nights,
Covers the earth's land with pure white.
Brings to children immense delight,
When unraveling gifts under the Light.

Away with flowers that bring thee happiness,
Away with leaves of bright vivid boldness.
Replaced by day's newly found coldness,
Replaced by nights sustained murky darkness.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

Let's hope this goes quickly now.

I am thankful for all my classmates, but if I were to choose one from my American Literature class, I would say... MILES WEINSTEIN (I hope I spelled your name right)! For the people who wonder why it's Miles, it's because I've known him ever since Freshman Connection, he's a very nice person, and he helps me a lot.

Miles is a good friend of mine. During Freshman Connection, we sat in the same table so you could say that he was one of my first friends in Whitney Young. Also, I sit directly behind him in class. So, if there is anything I don't understand, I would ask him and he is always willing to help me. An example of this is that whenever I don't have any ideas about what to write for my journal, I would ask him and he would give me some inspiration.

I am thankful for a lot of people in Whitney Young. I am thankful for the teachers, students, and my friends. I am thankful for the help the teachers give me in my education, thankful for the students in class to make it more lively, and especially my friends, for making my life what it is. This Thanksgiving is almost over and I'll end this by saying I am thankful my good friend Miles and for you (whoever is reading) for reading my blog. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am a Plow

Guess who's a plow this time... I am. Well, I think everyone is in a way or two though. Anyways, I am a plow.

First of all, what is a plow? A plow would be something used in farms. They loosen up soil so that seeds are able to be sown into the soil. Therefore, you can say it has a pretty important role. I claim to be a plow because I help "loosen up soil" such as making life easier for others. For example, I help others as much as I can in homework, allowing them to have an easier day of homework.

There are many plows out there. Some plows would be your mother and father. They probably take you to school, saving you some time if you were to take the train. Even if your parents don't drive you to school or take you to places you need to be, they are still a plow in many ways. They provide you with food and a home. Another plow would be a waiter or waitress. They serve you food instead of you going into the kitchen of a restaurant to get the food yourself. Another plow would be Mr. McCarthy! He teaches us so that we don't have to struggle through learning by ourselves. There are so many plows out there that have not been mentioned yet. In what ways are you a plow?

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

To all the readers of this blog:

The first quarter of this school year has ended. All the grades have been recorded and now it is time for some feedback on my American Literature class.

Let's start with the negatives. I didn't know what was for homework some times. Also, we are a bit behind schedule but that isn't much of an issue. I wished we had gone through the vocabulary book more because my vocabulary is not very good and I want to learn more. Also, the blogs weren't completely clear. I didn't know what to write about sometimes. Maybe it was just me.

I would be helpful if homework was posted on Edline or if it were written on the board. By doing this, we can probably be back on schedule and stay on schedule. If descriptions about the blog were on Edline, it would be a lot easier to write the blogs... just saying.

Now, lets talk about some good things in this class. I learned a lot. We were very productive in class and we had fun at the same time. Blogs were very fun to do even though it was somewhat mislead at times. The books we read for this class were also interesting and fun. Mr. McCarthy is an awesome teacher. He is easy to get along with and he is willing to help his students.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

Slavery. What do you think of when I say slavery? Some germane things I would think of is my World Studies class, slave trade, farming, and Africa. Back in the days when slavery first started, people would buy them left and right; hoping that the slaves they buy will work on their farms and be their servants. Slave owners by slaves because they are cheap labor and that would mean they would make more money. Slaves would often work for long hours and not be fed much. Slaves were usually crammed into small rooms with a few other slaves. Not all slaves were treated like this. Some had it better but generally, being a slave sucked.

If you think about it, even though slavery is abolished, there are still traces of slavery today. No matter how you shun this idea, it is true. Slaves are brought from all over the world, not only Africa. Today, there are still around twenty-seven million slaves after the abolition. There are slaves from China and India too. The people who own slaves today try not to call it slavery; they call it debt bondage, bonded labor, and a lot of other names besides slavery. Slaves today are forced to work on farms like before, but now they are also forced into prostitution and drug trafficking.

Guess what? Slavery exists in the United States too (United States: not as great as it seems >.>). Slaves work in sweat shops, factories, and farms. They are either paid very little that they can't even substantiate their needs or they aren't paid at all. They are treated like the slaves in the beginning if not worse. Probably worse now that there's technology used for torture or whatnot.

You wouldn't think slavery still existed today (well at least I didn't know until doing this blog). Here's a question. When you go out and buy anything, have you noticed that some merchandise are ridiculously cheap? Cheap as in inexpensive. Why do you think it so cheap? I wonder... o.o

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Some History of Puritans, Salem, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and The House of the Seven Gables

Puritans were a group of Protestants in England that date back in the 16th century. During that time, England was ruled by Elizabeth I and she strongly supported the Church of England movement. Puritans had different views from Queen Elizabeth I and they wanted to reform the Church of England so that it became more Puritan.  However, this reformation didn't happened completely and the Puritans decided to take there religion to somewhere else, and that somewhere else is New England.

The idea of witchcraft in Salem was introduced in 1692. Betty Paris was found sick and the idea of witchcraft rose quickly. The first accusations were made by the Putnams. The Putnams took their complaint to Judge John Hathorne. Judge John Hathorne examined the "witches" and there formed a growing crowd of spectators.

Nathaniel Hawthorne changed his last name to distinguish himself from his relative: Judge John Hathorne. He probably changed his name because he didn't feel proud that his ancestor was a judge that condemned many people for witchcraft. At one point, his uncle bought the House of the Seven Gables and remodeled it. During Hawthorne's youth, he often went to the House and was told of its history by his cousin, Susannah Ingersoll.

The House of the Seven Gables is the oldest mansion In North American that is still in existence today. It was remodeled by its owners many times throughout its years. During a period of time, the House only had three gables remaining. In 1908, the House was again purchased, but this time by Caroline O. Emmerton who restored it to it's early days and changed it into a museum. To make the House more interesting, she changed it so that it matched Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Moment I knew I was an American

Let's start out by asking what an American is. A simple definition of an American from an inhabitant of the United States of America. That sounds pretty accurate, but let's add to it. I would say an American is also someone who love's the land and its culture in addition to living in the United States.

I knew I was an American not when I was born, but when I learned about America. I knew I was an American when I knew that this was the United States of America and when I learned about it's history. When was this? Around the first of second grade maybe. I didn't feel I was an American though. Being raised up in a Chinese background by very Chinese parents, I thought of myself as Chinese more. However, that didn't make much sense to me since I wasn't living in China.

I didn't believe I was a true American until recently, after reading What Is an American in class. After reading it, I found that an American is made up of all cultures, all other cultures including the Chinese culture. After knowing this, saying I am an American made more sense to me. I am proud to say that I am American.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them, Everyone for Themself

In this world, anger is an issue that has to be dealt by with thought and time. Anger can blind a person so that he or she may not see the truth behind lies. Some people don't think before they act and if they do, their fists do the thinking. Before they even know it, arguments turn into funerals.

How open someone is to ideas and judgment also plays a part in why people murder. One may not like a idea proposed by another. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. was killed by James Earl Ray for giving speeches that were helping African Americans to get the same rights as anyone else.

Survival of the fittest drives people to unseen and absurd behaviors. Fear of death can cause someone to react differently from how they usually act. If a lifeboat can only take ten people out of a drowning ship, everyone would fight for a spot on the lifeboat so that they can see their love ones.

Death will come for everyone eventually. Being scared of death is a silly thing to do. Who has a longer life? Someone lives to 50 and has lived without regrets or one that lives to 100 being scared to do anything at all? Death just means you will be taken from this world, but are you really dead when you die? You live on after dying as long as someone still remembers you. Death can come to someone at any moment and without anyone knowing. The important thing is what you leave behind. When you die, what legacy do you leave behind? Who will remember you?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor- Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor, a farmer in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, is he a hero or is he a stooge? First of all, in my opinion, a hero is a person that overcomes obstacles and achieves their goals. John Proctor does not fit into that definition. He did not achieve his goal of bringing Abigail and the other girls to justice and in the end, he ended up getting himself and his friend into grave trouble.

Arguably, John Proctor can be a hero for his cause but he is a stooge for his last decisions.  Proctor was given a chance to be set free and he accepted it. He was alleged to have seen the devil and worked for him and he confirmed its accuracy. He told the judge that he lied about everything and he was the devil's accomplice. Though, in the end, he refused to sign his testimony and he was hung.

If he had agreed to the lies they put on him and recanted what he had believed in, why did he go change his mind. He only needed to sign his name for his life and he gave up that chance. He chose death over life. If he were to choose death over life in the end, why tell a lie before you die? Why ruin your purity before the moment of death?

I cannot call John Proctor a hero nor can I call him fully a stooge. He did not save anyone nor himself. He definitely was not foolish in the sense of what he believed in but he was a stooge for his decision of having a moment of regret. I call him a martyr for this.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Jonathon Edwards wrote "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God". I have read an excerpt from it and I am stunned by his thought of God. In the excerpt, Edwards depicted God as someone very angry and more importantly, a merciless executioner. Edwards pictured God to be in rage with bow and arrow in hand, pointing it directly towards you, and ready to release the arrow at any moment he chooses. He also said that God holds you over the pit of hell and in his eyes, you are worthless and you should be cast into the pit of hell. In these situations, you are not tenable at all.

What a diabolic way of depicting God? I attended a Catholic school in the past and there, I was taught that God is a merciful and loving god. This is probably the major difference between the two philosophical ideas. Catholics believe God as a pretty nice person that would cut you some slack. However, according to Edward's rules, God will punish the sinners for every mistake and sin they have committed. In a way, he tells his listeners such as Puritans that their God is a carping god. Puritans would probably have believed Edwards because they live a very strict life so that they can get into heaven, and knowing that every mistake they make will count toward their chances of getting into heaven, they will believe Jonathon Edwards.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood

(This is a story made-up story about two families that move into a neighborhood.)

The Smith family moved into Neighbor Street. As they get settled into their new home, the residents of the block appear on the doorsteps of the Smiths and rang the door bell. Billy opened the door and said in a rude manner, "What do you want!" After a moment of silence, Billy slammed the front door shut and that was the end of the greeting. The neighbors were surprised by his rude attitude and took off back to their houses. The Smiths were then treated as outcasts of the block.

A few weeks later, the Browns moved to Neighbor Street. The residents went up to the Browns' porch and they greeted each other respectfully and made friends quickly. A few days have gone by now and the residents of the block all knew each other. The residents held a block party to celebrate the arrival of the Browns, but the Smiths weren't invited.

This story is to show that it is best to make a good first impression on people, especially the ones that will be usually around you, such as your neighbors. The Smiths had a bad first impression on their neighbors so they were treated as outcasts. Unlike the Smiths, the Browns made friends with their neighbor so they were celebrated for moving into the block. Likewise, Columbus befriended the Native Americans and his arrival to Hispaniola was celebrated. He was treated as a friend rather than a outcast and a threat. His good first impression on the Native Americans was the cause of his success in Hispaniola.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello everyone. My name is Samuel Chu but most of the people I know call me Sam (I wonder why? :P). I am a sophomore this year and am currently in Mr. McCarthy's 3rd period American Literature class. The reason I said currently is because I've already had three schedule changes since the day of registration and my schedule is still incorrect as of this moment.

I usually don't talk to people extensively unless I've known that person for a while. If you know me for long enough, you would say that I am a serious person overall but I do put out lame jokes... sometimes. I usually bike to the park and play tennis with friends but that doesn't happen often because our schedules don't allow us. Recently, my bike was stolen (Yeah! Unbelievable! >:I).

Many people asked me how my summer was once we got back in school. I don't really know how to answer that question since I am quite forgetful and I've done a lot of things. Though, a very brief summary would be I've gone swimming, biking, running, and hanging out with friends. Still, even though there were many things that happened this summer, I still didn't get to do a lot of things I planned on doing so I guess I'll save that for next summer.

My freshman year was decent. There are A LOT more things I could have done but didn't so I regret that. This is a new school year and there would be more surprises and challenges. I will be ready for them when they come and hopefully conquer the challenges and make this a good year.